Thursday, June 5, 2025
More than 1 billion pounds of tires are recycled every year in Canada. But how is it done logistically? How is the best use and highest value from the product and materials determined?
This eye-opening presentation will walk attendees through how that volume of waste is addressed, including the technologies, benefits and solutions to circularity. Attendees will learn about the background, operations, and shift in market for tire recycling, as well as the activity in the market to commercialize the solutions.
What’s more, you’ll learn the metrics for improvement for your own investment in tires and transportation operations.
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About the speaker
Dr. Darryl Moore
Directory, Sustainability
Kal Tire
Currently engaged in rubber circularity at Kal Tire, over the past 30 years, Dr. Darryl Moore has been engaged in innovation and new product development in both B2B and B2C businesses. In this non-linear career path Darryl has moved between Fortune 500 organizations, SMEs and NGOs, currently instructing at Cape Breton University and previously a Board member at the MS Society. The last 5 years at Kal Tire have been spent focused on the commercial transportation industry, specifically business development in the circular economics and technology of rubber in remanufacturing and material reclamation.
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